This pamphlet provides detailed information on accessibility and other related information on CACHATTO remote-access services. Find the different features and understand its basic system structure.
Download file (2018 version Eng)PDF 24.77 MBGet a quick overview of CACHATTO and CACHATTO Desktop - a Secure Unified Digital Workspace platform for business.
Download file (English)PDF 640 KBThis pamphlet provides detailed information on accessibility and other related information on CACHATTO remote-access services. Find the different features and understand its basic system structure.
Download file (English)PDF 3.21 MBCACHATTO new UI function video showcases the basic email functions such as attachment viewing and editing original emails in replies, but also demonstrates the new email UI’s usability.
Watch video Video length: 65 secondsWith the new email UI of CACHATTO V5.6 R1, composing email messages and sending image attachments has never been so easy. You can resize image to minimise email file size and save email messages as drafts.
Watch video Video length: 78 secondsCACHATTO can access corporate intra-web emails and view HTML and Notes rich emails; read email message and browse attached file.
Watch video Video length: 33 secondsCACHATTO can access corporate email accounts which enables you to create emails, and attach photos and images.
Watch video Video length: 40 secondsCACHATTO email can mark important emails and filter email messages.
Watch video Video length: 29 secondsCACHATTO can access corporate schedule which enables you to check and edit your appointments.
Watch video Video length: 48 secondsCACHATTO reminds its users of any incoming appointments set in their Exchange calendar by sending out a push notification alert.
Watch video Video length: 48 secondsCACHATTO can access corporate file server and view Microsoft Office and PDF files.
Watch video Video length: 49 secondsMulti-Cloud Gateway enables users to access various cloud services though one portal.
Watch video Video length: 28 secondsFingerprint login feature enables user to conviniently unlock and login into CACHATTO with a simple biometric scan.
Watch video Video length: 40 secondsLabour management enables administrators to specify the days and hours a user can access CACHATTO.
Watch video Video length: 68 secondsA new workstyle with CACHATTO for today's business. Securely connect to your corporate system anywhere, at any time.
Watch video Video length: 34 secondsTrusted secure remote access service from any device from anywhere with extremely simple management