About this website
This website is the official website of E-Jan International Pte. Ltd. (hereafter referred to as `E-Jan International`) and is run by e-Jan Networks and its representative.
Before using this website, please read the following terms of use. Use this website only if you agree with the terms. If you use this website, it is assumed that you agree with the terms of use.
E-Jan International may change the terms for using this website. At that time, the revised terms of use will be posted. Please check the latest terms of use before using this website.
Note that other websites run by E-Jan International and its related companies are linked to this website. To use those websites, you must agree with the terms of use shown on those websites.
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The copyright of this website is held by e-Jan Networks (head office). All contents shown on this website (such as text, photographs, images, data, software, images, sound, graphics, animation, and video) are strictly prohibited from being used (including copying, transmitting, broadcasting, publishing, distributing, posting, transferring, lending, translating, and adaptation, permitting use, and reusing the whole or part of this website), transcribed, changed, falsified, or used for commercial purposes without permission from e-Jan Networks.
This website uses Google’s Google Analytics to measure data in order to improve its service. Data may be analyzed through text file cookies generated from the access information of a user. At this time, some information, such as IP address, may be collected by Google.
This website uses such information only for the purpose of grasping the use status of the website, improving use experience, and supplying other services. The users of this website are assumed to have permitted Google to process data in this way by the above method and for the above purpose.
How Google collects and uses access information is provided by Google Analytics’ terms of use and Google’s privacy policy.
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Reference: Google Analytics opt-out add-on
The following acts are prohibited when using this website:
- Acts that may hinder the operation of this website or other users from using this website
- Acts that give or may give troubles, disadvantages, or damage to other users, third parties, or E-Jan International
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- Acts that violate or may violate public order and standards of decency or other laws and regulations
Company names and product names shown on this website are registered trademarks of respective companies. Company names, product names, service names, and website names shown on this website are not necessarily shown with trademark indication (such as ® or TM).
Linking to this website
Linking to this website is free in principle. Depending on the updating status of this website, however, understand in advance that a URL other than the link to the top page (www.ejan-international.com/) may be changed. To link to this website, inform e-Jan Networks by e-mail.
Linking from the following websites is strictly prohibited:
- Website/page containing content violating public order and standards of decency, or that involves or may involve illegal activities
- Website/page that may damage E-Jan International in some way (website/page containing content that slanders or damages the trust of E-Jan International and e-Jan Networks or its products/services)
- Any website/page other than those falling under the above that E-Jan International considers inappropriate
Troubles and issues of compensation for damage
If trouble or an issue of compensation for damage occurs as a result of linking to this website, E-Jan International assumes no responsibility. If E-Jan International incurs damage, E-Jan International may claim damages.
Link destination from this website
Websites linked from this website (excluding e-Jan Networks-operated websites) are managed and operated on the responsibility of a corporation or an individual, and are not under the management of e-Jan Networks. E-Jan International assumes no responsibility for any damage you incur as a result of using a linked website. Use a linked website according to the conditions of that website and under your own responsibility.
E-Jan International takes every precaution in posting information on this website. Nevertheless, E-Jan International does not make any guarantees as to whether the information posted on its website is accurate, useful, certain, suitable for the purpose of the user, safe (whether a function will not be disrupted, whether an error will not occur, whether a defect will be corrected, or whether this website and server are free from computer viruses and other detriments). Nor does E-Jan International assume any responsibility for any damage the user incurs as a result of using or being unable to use any such information or of using this website.
E-Jan International may change information on this website without advance notice. It may suspend or stop the operation of this website. Note that E-Jan International assumes no responsibility for any damage the user may incur as a result of suspending or stopping the operation of this website.
Interpretation of the terms of use and operation of this website are in accordance with Japanese law. Disputes concerning this website are handled by the Tokyo District Court as the exclusive competent court for the first trial.